Swimming Pool Maintenance and Treatment Services
According to the recent report by Centers of Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC, USA) reported that number of diseases are outbreak due to poor maintenance of pool water. The diseases reported are Cryposporidium, Skin and Eye and Repiratory Infection, Diarrhea as well as Granuloma. This showed the important of proper maintenance of Swimming Pool Water. Maintaining Basic Parameters of pH and Chlorine Level do not acheive the Total Water Balance requirements and may cause the diseases outbreak through the pool water.
Furthermore, poor maintenance of pool water may also resulted in corrosion and/or oxidation, which will damages the pool surfaces and equipment, which will ended with increased of unnecessary and avoidable overhead costs of repairing that due to prematured of equipment life.
Pool Design, Construct and System / Equipment Repair
Design and Contruct of Residential or Commercial Swimming Pool as based on your requirement. Concept of Backyard Pool at home is become a latest demand for most of residents in Malaysia for their Status, Family Fun and Enjoyment.
Over period of time, due to Wear and Tear, the existing swimming pool system might required necessary ungrading or repairing and/or servicing. SPATEX provide complete system servicing and repairing at reasonable cost.
Lifeguard & Coaching Services
International Life Saving Federation (ILS) reported that even with swimming and safety classes available in many countries, large numbers of people still drown every year as per statistics over 400,000 drown around the world. SPATEX provided professional lifeguard services to safegaurd your valubale swimmers to prevent of prevantable accidents and incidents.
Swimming is one of the world top listed sport activity as according to report. In Malaysia, swimming activities seems to be on growing throughout the past few years in parallel with govenrment support and public awareness on non-quantified value of benefits as derived and gained from swimming exercise. SPATEX provided professional and trained coaches to meet your requirement.